The purpose of this study is to develop a module for teaching grammar through digital storytelling in the "Grammar Teaching" course of Turkish education undergraduate programs at universities. In this regard, observations on the use and implementation of digital storytelling in classes were made at the University of Houston in the United States. A draft module for grammar teaching through digital stories was developed through a literature review, class observations, regular meetings with the foreign consultant, and exchange of ideas. Under the guidance of the foreign consultant, the draft module form developed by the researcher was evaluated by three faculty members at Houston University's College of Education using a "module evaluation form". The experts evaluated the draft module in terms of its objectives, the suitability of the topics that make up the content of the module for the purpose of the module, and the module's activities in the learning-teaching process. This process ensured that the module's objectives could be realized, and these objectives were compatible with the learning outcomes along with the planning of the teaching environments in which the module will be implemented so that there would be adequate equipment, the assessments were adequate. In addition, the following component were developed including appropriate evaluation method for the learning outcomes in the module, evalution of the advantages (strength) of the module, the limitations (weaknesses) of the module, and the adequacy of plan B prepared for possible disruptions during the implementation of the module. As a result of feedback received from experts, the "Grammar Teaching through Digital Stories" module has been revised and finalized.
Keywords: Grammar teaching, digital story, pre-service Turkish teachers, United States