*** The Use of Material and Teaching Technologies in English Teaching Curriculum of the Primary and Secondary Schools ITEJ
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The Use of Material and Teaching Technologies in English Teaching Curriculum of the Primary and Secondary Schools

2018-12-31, Mustafa ÇULHA Download Article PDF

The place of the use of materials and teaching technologies in the teaching and learning process of the students is very significant in that they help them grasp and learn more effectively. By this way,the students are more able to realize a much better learning. Also, it is an undeniable fact that, today, English is the mostly used foreign language choice in the context of communicating with the people from different countries. Besides, it is also noticed that English is the most widely used language in the context of pronouncing and sharing of the academic enhancements. Therefore, it is clear enough to say that new generations’ learning English as a foreign language effectively is considerably important. In this study, the use of material and teaching technologies in English teaching curriculums of elementary schools is viewed. The research is conducted with the document analysis technique which is one of the techniques of qualitative research in the spring term of 2017-2018 Academic Year. All of the 7 class levels, ranging from the 2nd grade of the primary school and the 8th grade of the secondary school are included within the English teaching curriculums of primary and secondary school. In addition to this,in the research, some sections such as the philosophy, objectives and efficiency of the curriculum and points to consider in teaching of the curriculum are surveyed along with the units of the curriculum. As part of the research, some dimensions, such as what sort of technologies and materials are used in the English teaching curriculums and what type of teaching technologies and materials are given more significance are put forward. The findings and results of the research are presented systematically relevant to the objectives of the research. Thereafter, some suggestions are made based upon the research findings.

Keywords: English lesson, English teaching programs, teaching technologies